Georg Schlegel GmbH & Co. KG

Emergency-Stop Devices

all about automation Chemnitz 2024

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Georg Schlegel GmbH & Co. KG is offering a comprehensive range of emergency-stop devices allowing to fulfil the requirements of typical applications of different branches – ranging from the machine building industry, plant engineering up to the lift, vehicle, shipbuilding and crane building industry. Customer can choose from a variety of traditional versions. The illuminated variants offer a plus in safety compared to standard emergency-stops, as they signal the active/inactive status of the emergency-stop by means of a clear colouring. Also here, Schlegel offers different products and has developed an emergency-stop with diagnostic unit which constantly monitors the status of the illumination.
Self-monitoring emergency-stop devices
The production of products and goods is mostly done by complex and extensive production facilities. Nowadays, those facilities are no longer operated as complete systems, they are divided in individual areas. This sectioning has the advantage that the facilities can be adapted to production changes much quicker and that they are more failure-proof in whole. The modular structure offers also other advantages. Among others individual parts can be safeguarded by a separate emergency-stop device. In case of a failure in the production or in case of danger for a person, the relating part of the installation is put into a safe state by operating its individual emergency-stop, the rest of the system keeps on running. When using emergency-stop devices it always has to be considered that the emergency-stop function is a complementary protective measure and may not be used as substitute for other protective measures or safety functions!



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