coboworx GmbH
coboworx GmbH

coboworx GmbH

all about automation Chemnitz 2024

Über uns

The robotics company coboworx, founded in 2019, develops the world’s leading automation platform for the industry. With its headquarters in Salmtal near Trier and another location in Berlin, coboworx enables small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to easily enter robotic automation. The platform combines hardware, software, and services into customized, ready-to-use robotic solutions available on a subscription basis. This significantly lowers the entry barriers for SMEs into the digital factory. The company has already raised 19.2 million euros from investors such as Picus Capital, Team Global, SquareOne, and renowned business angels.

Coboworx’s turnkey and process-ready palletizing solutions can be tailored to a variety of use cases thanks to the modular building block system. The goal is to provide especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with an easy entry into robotic automation without hurdles or risks and to offer robotic solutions that are manageable, controllable, and affordable.

The operation of a coboworx palletizing solution is simple and intuitive and can be handled by any employee without expert knowledge after a short introduction.

Thanks to the modular design of the cell in a building block principle, coboworx is also changing the procurement process for robotic solutions and transferring the purchasing behavior from e-commerce to the B2B sector. Since the individual standard modules and subsystems are coordinated with each other, the entire cell can be created online using a configurator and thus tailored to the customer’s needs. For potential customers, the initial entry is as simple and convenient as they know it from the consumer goods world.

Coboworx aims to make the robotic system available four weeks after ordering. The setup time, including commissioning, is just two days, including training. This allows SMEs a quick production start and short amortization times. All automation solutions are also available for rent from coboworx, as a “Robotics as a Service” model. This allows for short-term mitigation of production fluctuations with a manageable investment.

Coboworx offers robotics as a service and as an all-around worry-free package: this includes documentation, CE declaration, training, service, and maintenance.

The company was founded by former managers and entrepreneurs from the automation industry. Together, they bring over 100 years of experience in the robotics industry as well as sustainable success in generating profitable growth. Coboworx is also backed by a rapidly growing, interdisciplinary team of about 30 experts who are passionate about robotics, technology, and digital transformation. As dynamic as a young startup but with more than a century of invaluable industry experience.



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