Electrical engineer (m/f/d) Building Automation (BA) / Technical Building Equipment for consulting and technical advice

all about automation Chemnitz 2024

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Electrical engineer (m/f/d) Building Automation (BA) / Technical Building Equipment for consulting and technical advice

all about automation Chemnitz 2024

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WSCAD is part of the Buhl group o with approx. 800 employees. For over 30 years, WSCAD has been developing and distributing electrical CAD software solutions. Our customers include medium-sized companies, international corporations as well as engineering offices. More than 40,000 users in over 100 countries from mechanical engineering, plant engineering industries as well as from building automation and installation technology rely on our integrative WSCAD software. Our main office is in Bergkirchen near Munich, Germany. We have a second office located in Munich and a branch office in Wroclaw, Poland. WSCAD software is actively distributed in 18 countries worldwide. As a German company we currently employ people from over 15 different nations with a wide range of backgrounds. We value diversity and treat everyone equally. What matters to us are your results and your behaviour, regardless of nationality, gender, colour, or religious beliefs.

Electrical engineer (m/f/d) Building Automation (BA) / Technical Building Equipment for consulting and technical advice

WSCAD is part of the Buhl group o with approx. 800 employees. For over 30 years, WSCAD has been developing and distributing electrical CAD software solutions. Our customers include medium-sized companies, international corporations as well as engineering offices. More than 40,000 users in over 100 countries from mechanical engineering, plant engineering industries as well as from building automation and installation technology rely on our integrative WSCAD software. Our main office is in Bergkirchen near Munich, Germany. We have a second office located in Munich and a branch office in Wroclaw, Poland. WSCAD software is actively distributed in 18 countries worldwide. As a German company we currently employ people from over 15 different nations with a wide range of backgrounds. We value diversity and treat everyone equally. What matters to us are your results and your behaviour, regardless of nationality, gender, colour, or religious beliefs.




WSCAD is part of the Buhl group o with approx. 800 employees. For over 30 years, WSCAD has been developing and distributing electrical CAD software solutions. Our customers include medium-sized companies, international corporations as well as engineering offices. More than 40,000 users in over 100 countries from mechanical engineering, plant engineering industries as well as from building automation and installation technology rely on our integrative WSCAD software. Our main office is in Bergkirchen near Munich, Germany. We have a second office located in Munich and a branch office in Wroclaw, Poland. WSCAD software is actively distributed in 18 countries worldwide. As a German company we currently employ people from over 15 different nations with a wide range of backgrounds. We value diversity and treat everyone equally. What matters to us are your results and your behaviour, regardless of nationality, gender, colour, or religious beliefs.

Arbeitszeitmodell: Vollzeit
Arbeitsmodell: Remote
Hauptarbeitsort: beim Kunden, in Trainingszentren
Fachbereich: Global Business Services – Consulting
Starttermin: ab sofort

Deine Aufgaben:
– Beratung, Schulung, Training in Präsenz oder Online
– Technische Beratung und Schulung von Kunden, Händlern und Partner zur technischen Fachplanung BA mit WSCAD-Software gemäß HOAI und VDI 3814
– Professioneller Support zu unserer Software und Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten bei der Gebäudeautomation
– Analyse und Unterstützung bei der Anwendung und Nutzung unserer Software-Produkte im Rahmen von Building Automation-Projekten wie Raumautomation (RA), Anlagenautomation (AA) und Gebäudeautomations-Management (GA-M)
– Unterstützung und Beratung von Kunden bei der individuellen Erfüllung von GA–Anforderungen und der optimalen Lösungen
– Beantwortung technischer Fragestellungen bei der Implementierung von Schnittstellen (z. B. ERP/PDM) und bei technische Fragen rund um WSCAD-Produkte
-Durchführung von Veranstaltungen, Messen, Roadshows und Online-Events zur technischen Beratung im Bereich BA / GA
-Weiterentwicklung von Trainings, Schulungen und Beratungsangeboten

Deine Qualifikationen:
– Abgeschlossenes Studium, Techniker- oder Meisterausbildung der Elektrotechnik, Fachwirt für Gebäudeautomation oder vergleichbare Qualifikation
– Erfahrung in der Gebäudeautomation und Kenntnisse der Normen und Standards (HOAI, VDI 3814, GEG, DIN EN 15232, DIN V 18599, DIN EN ISO 16484)
– Weitreichende Erfahrung in der Abwicklung von Projekten entlang der HOAI LPH 1-9
– Gute Kenntnisse in der Wasserhydraulik, RLT-Technik und interoperablen Kommunikationsprotokollen (BACnet, Modbus, KNX)
– Spaß an spannenden Projekten im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit durch GA und innovativen Techniken der GA
– Fähigkeit, technisch anspruchsvolle Sachverhalte verständlich zu erklären
– Hohe Reisebereitschaft, auch für Messen und Veranstaltungen
– Erforderlich: C1 Deutsch- und C1 Englischkenntnisse, in Wort und Schrift



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