Kraus & Naimer
Functional handles in use
Kraus & Naimer

Functional handles in use

all about automation Chemnitz 2024

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Functional handles in use
Kraus & Naimer



Functional handles in use

Two hands are enough to get started in the high-bay warehouse

Lots of goods in a small space – challenge and responsibility

Space is money. Nevertheless, safety should not be neglected. Normally, everything runs fully automatically in the narrow aisles of a modern high-bay warehouse.

The storage and retrieval machines move tirelessly back and forth, up and down, storing and retrieving goods of all kinds. As a rule, there are no people here. Why would there be? “With 98-99 % availability of the devices, intervention is very rarely necessary,” explains a well-known manufacturer from the logistics sector in the Heilbronn area.

But no system is error-free. If an incident does occur and employees have to rectify the fault on site, safety comes first. After all, a storage and retrieval machine like this can sometimes reach heights of 45 meters and the racks fly incredibly close to you. One wrong move and dangerous injuries can be the result. That is why the safety precautions for such cases are well thought out and sophisticated.

A fixed guard against crushing and shearing is required. The manufacturer in our example has solved this requirement with a narrow cabin that just fits one person. They can only start the storage and retrieval machine if the small door is also closed and there is therefore no danger.

Security yes, but remain economical
There is no room in the cab for an additional person on the load handling stand. However, there is still an easy way to take someone in addition to the operator on the platform for maintenance work.

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