Fraunhofer IWU, Data Mininung & KI

Machine Learning in Production

all about automation Chemnitz 2024

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New standardized interfaces in the NC controls, more and more and better sensors: Never before has so much data been able to be obtained in production as it is today, triggered by the triumph of digitization in production. However, data alone does not solve problems, they represent an often unused resource that needs to be used.

The methods of AI can be used for various purposes. In the context of production, three areas are particularly relevant:
– Data analysis: evaluation of sensor data, statistical evaluation and correlation analysis,
– Validation and forecasting: of quality and production efficiency, trend analysis,
– Optimization: Control of process parameters and general parameter optimization.
The methods make it possible to increase the productivity and quality of the processes. Known areas of application are e.g. Condition Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance. The use of AI enables a significant advantage over classic methods. The reduction in rejects, the optimization of process parameters and integrated quality control contribute to cost reductions in manufacturing companies and thus to greater competitiveness.

In order to use AI successfully, an efficient and plannable commissioning process is necessary. This not only includes model creation, but also areas such as data acquisition, data pre-processing or setting up IT infrastructure. For this purpose, the Fraunhofer IWU has developed its own deployment pipeline in order to provide companies with the best possible support in this process.
If we have aroused your interest, do not hesitate and contact us! From training, service projects to joint research projects, we are your partner for AI in production – regionally, throughout Germany and internationally.



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