
The PN/CAN gateway CANopen represents a full-featured CANopen master. As a master, the gateway supports network management, SYNC telegrams, nodeguarding/heartbeat for monitoring the nodes and LSS services. Up to 16 PDOs can be configured per CANopen slave. The parameterization of the CANopen nodes via SDO telegrams and the management of emergency messages is also possible.

On the PROFINET network, the PN/CAN gateway is a PROFINET I/O device and supports transmission rates of up to 100 Mbit full duplex; on the CAN bus, up to 1 Mbit/s is supported.

The I/O data of the CAN nodes are mapped transparently and freely configurable into the PROFINET network and can thus be processed directly in the PLC. The PN/CAN gateway is integrated into the hardware configurator with a GSDML file and can be fully configured there. Further software tools for parameterization, or handling blocks for programming, are not necessary, which makes the use of the gateway uncomplicated.

The features MRP (media redundancy) as well as extensive diagnostic functions and an interface for online diagnostics complete the performance characteristics of the PN/CAN gateway.



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